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李建伟 今世知名景观规划设计师,“景观统筹城市”的引领者。美国注册景观规划师、美国景观设计师协会(ASLA)会员。1995年获美国明尼苏达大学景观艺术硕士学位,1996年加入美国EDSA,2006年回国,率领EDSAOrient团队打造出亚洲景观设计行业的知名企业。现任东方园林景观设计集团首席设计师、EDSA Orient及东方艾地(ID)总裁兼首席设计师。
代表作品Key Projects
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中国建筑工业出版社 http://www.cabp.com.cn
李建伟今世知名景观规划设计师,“景观统筹城市”的引领者。美国注册景观规划师、美国景观设计师协会(ASLA)会员。1995年获美国明尼苏达大学景观艺术硕士学位,1996年加入美国EDSA,2006年回国,率领EDSA Orient团队打造出亚洲景观设计行业的知名企业。现任东方园林景观设计集团首席设计师、EDSA Orient及东方艾地(ID)总裁兼首席设计师。
李建伟担纲设计的美国阿鲁巴岛玛瑞尔特冲浪俱乐部,被评定为2001年世界最佳度假区,美国瑞迪逊加勒比海度假区被推选为“2001年度假及酒店鉴赏家首选之地”, 2007年中国世界贸易组织研究会、中国社会科学院、香港理工大学亚洲品牌管理中心联合授予他“全球化人居生活方式最具影响力景观设计师”,2010年第二届中国房地产立异大会授予他年度中国规划设计巨匠,2012年获得第二届国际景观规划设计大会设计成绩奖,2013年获得第三届国际景观规划设计大会设计立异奖。
迪斯尼西岸、迪斯尼庆典城(奥兰多),Peabody Expansion酒店,万豪阿鲁巴冲浪俱乐部,湖州太湖度假区,南宁园五象湖公园,株洲炎帝广场、张北风电基地等。
US registered landscape architect andurban planner, member of ASLA. He is a well-known contemporary landscapearchitect who is a strong proponent of ecological design and brings hisartistic sensitivity into his site design and large-scale planning. He completedhis master degree in landscape architecture at the University of Minnesota in1995 and began his career at EDSA in Orlando in 1996. He took a lead role ofEDSA ORIENT in Beijing in 2006. EDSA ORIENT now has become one of the mostrecognized landscape architecture
enterprises in Asia and Jianwei Li is currently the principle designer ofORIENT LANDSCAPE CROUP and EDSA ORIENT, and the president of IDEAL LANDSCAPE.
Jianwei has pointed out that our design should establish a balance betweenmanmade environments and nature. He has brought up the concept ‘integrated landscape’that is to have landscape architecture coordinated with planning, hydrology,transport, architecture and so on. His designs showed his respect for thesocial, cultural and historical aspects of the site and his strong attention tothe ecology and the quality of environment resources, and his incisive artisticsensitivity is expressed through all of his projects. Jianwei emphasizes on therelationship between people’s life and the landscapes and how to make designedlandscapes function effectively to improve quality of life, and especially howlandscape works for people’s minds. Jianwei’s practical experience andexpertise have also made him frequently involved in the field of education andtraining. He is a visiting professor at Tsinghua University, visiting professorin the faculty of art at Beijing Jiaotong University, visiting professor in thedepartment of art at Beijing University of Technology, visiting professor atthe Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, and associate professor inthe faculty of architecture at Harbin Institute of Technology and so forth.
Jianwei was significantly involved in the design of Marriott's Aruba Surf Clubin the US which was rated as the best resort in the world in 2001; RadissonAruba Caribbean Resort was elected as the most preferred location forholidaymakers and hotel connoisseurs; In 2007, and received a design award fromASLA Florida chapter in 2005. He was rewarded with “The Most InfluentialLandscape Architect” by China World Trade Organization Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Social Science, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University AsianBrand Management Centre; In the 2010 China Real Estate Innovation Conference,Jianwei was rewarded with “Annual Master of Planning and Design in China”;
He was also conferred “Landscape Planning and Design Achievement Award” in 2012and “Design Innovation Award” in 2013 at International Conference on Landscape Planningand Design.
Key Projects
Disneyland West, Disney Celebration City Orlando, Peabody Expansion Hotel,Aruba Surf Club, Lake Tai South Central Park, Nanning Wuxiang Lake Park,Zhuzhou Yan Emperor Square etc.