展览时间:2015.6.11-7.1 周二至周日(每周一休馆)10:00至18:00/Exhibition Time: Jun 11th-Jul 1st, 2015 Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00 Last admission at 17:30 Closed on Mondays
展览地址:上海二十一世纪民生美术馆/Exhibition Address: Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum
讲座时间:2015.6.20/Lecture Date: Jun 20th, 2015
讲座地址:上海市浦东新区世博大道1929号(临) 200126/Lecture Address: No. 1929 Shibo Dadao, Pudong,Shanghai (Preparatory),200126
主办:上海二十一世纪民生美术馆/Host: Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum
联合主办:法国雅克·费尔叶建筑事务所 世博会法国馆设计师/Co-organizer: Jacques Ferrier Architectures
鸣谢:中国民生银行/Thanks: China Minsheng Bank
协办媒体:《国际新景观》/Associate Media: International New Landscape
The afternoon of 20th June, Jacques Ferrier will come to M21 Minsheng Art Museum which is renovated from original French Pavilion in SH expo 2010, to share his design philosophy, sensual city studio’s ideal blueprint, retrospect and prospect towards the French Pavilion and his other projects.
Our lecture invited ZhangMing with honor, the professor of Tongji University, known as the Chinese architect has been studied and worked in France,
At the same time, he is also involved in the construction and renovation for the world expo 2010.
It will be really enlightening and instructive for the two eastern and western architect conversation to have the collision between mutual ideas.
“东张西望” «Un regard Réciproque»
A reciprocal perspective
«My work in China is part of a world of reciprocal influences. I am far from being a Western architect bringing the Good News abroad, but my approach forms part of an ongoing creative dialogue between two continents, which dates back to Marco Polo’s voyage.
East has always influenced West,whether it be in art, thought or literature. It was in China that the idea of the sensual city arose, the theme of the France Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo 2010 and a theme I am developing today with the Sensual City Studio acrossseveral projects in France and China.
Jacques Ferrier
The exhibition «Un regard Réciproque» showcases the approach of Jacques Ferrier Architectures, illustrated by the presentation of ten or so recent projects in France and China, including the future stations of the Grand Paris Express, the Lycée Français International Charles de Gaulle in Beijing and the France Pavilion of the Shanghai Expo 2010.
Jacques Ferrier works in France and abroad. State-registered architect and urbanist, he graduated from the Paris-Belleville School of Architecture and from the engineering school Ecole Centrale de Paris. He created his own studio in 1993 in Paris and opened an office in Shanghai in 2012.
His works include the design of majo rcultural buildings, prestigious buildings, public facilities, research centres and urban development. The office’s output is all based on the same philosophy:the creation of an architecture and a city for a sustainable society.
His humanistic vision for tomorrow’s cities finds its full expression in the concept of the Sensual City – an urban proposal developed for the France Pavilion in Shanghai – which seeks to answer the question of what urban design and planning should today be, and which is to be continued through his mission as consultant for the design and architecture of the Grand Paris rapid transit.
With projects such as Belle Méditerranée, Concept Office and Hypergreen, Jacques Ferrier has also undertaken innovative research activities.
Jacques Ferrier and Pauline Marchetti,in association with the philosopher Philippe Simay, have created in 2010 the Sensual City Studio, a research laboratory for a prospective, humanist and sensible approach of the city and architecture.
ZhangMing/章明 同济大学建筑设计及其理论博士
Architect Design and Theory Doctor of TongjiUniversity.
ZhangMing is the Deputy Director and Doctoral Supervisor of architecture and urban planning college in Tongji University;
Chief Architect of ‘YUANZUO’ Design Studio which belongs to Tongji University Architectural Design Institute (Group);
Registered architect at the national level;
Committee member of Urban Space and Landscape Preservation Department of Shanghai Municipal Planning Committee;
Director of the architectural design Department of the architectural society of Shanghai China
迪斯尼水上乐园/Water Park “Aqualagon”
大巴黎区新地铁交通规划/Grand Paris Railway Stations
北京法国国际学校/Beijing French International School
鲁昂城市发展委员会总部/La Métropôle Rouen Normandie
法国赛特港新轮渡站/New Passenger Terminal of The Port deSète
2010上海世博会法国馆/French Pavilion of 2010 Shanghai Expo
阿歇特出版集团新总部大楼/Headquarters of Publisher Hachette Livre
漕河泾办公研发园区“华鑫天地”/Office Complex “Horizon CAOHEJING”
高层建筑-研究/High Rise-Research
雅克费尔叶建筑事务所/JFA office
《美丽地中海-未来感性都会》-感性城市工作室著(Metropolis / Archibooks)
《城市的可能性》 (阿赫雷阿出版社, 巴黎2013)
《法国馆》 (建筑图书出版社, 巴黎2010)
《[罗昂] 艾瑞克·塔巴利帆船博物馆》(斯尔瓦纳出版社 / AAM出版社 / 安蒂佩玛, 巴黎2008)
《灯塔·绿色超高层之幕后》 (AAM出版社 / 安蒂佩玛, 巴黎2007)
《实用性-实用的诗意》(AAM出版社 / 安蒂佩玛, 巴黎2005)
《概念办公楼》 (Birkhäuser – Basel, BostonBerlin / 安蒂佩玛, 巴黎2004)
《自由策略》(斑马线出版社, 巴黎2000)
Belle Méditerranée, Towards a Sensory Metropolis, Sensual City Studio, Paris 2014
La Possibilité d’une ville (Editions Arléa, Paris 2013)
Pavillon France (Editions Archibooks, Paris, 2010)
[Lorient] Cité de la voile Eric-Tabarly (SilvanaEditoriale / AAM Editions / Ante Prima, Paris 2008)
Making Of, Hypergreen & Phare towers (AAM Editions / Ante Prima, Paris 2007)
Useful, The Poetry of useful Things/Utiles, La poésie des choses utiles (AAM Editions / Ante Prima, Paris 2005)
Concept Office (Birkhäuser – Basel, Boston Berlin / Ante Prima, Paris 2004)
Stratégies du disponible (Passage Piétons Edition, Paris 2000)
© JFA Jacques Ferrier Architectures /Photographer: Luc Boegly
© Jacques Ferrier architectures / image Ferrier production
© Jacques Ferrier architectures / photo Luc Boegly
© Jacques Ferrier architectures / image doug & wolf
© Jacques Ferrier architectures / photo Jonathan Leijonhufvud |