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预公告 | 深圳红树林湿地博物馆建筑与景观方案设计国际竞赛(招标)









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发表于 2020-6-26 09:11:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


预公告 | 深圳红树林湿地博物馆建筑与景观方案设计国际竞赛(招标)

Pre-announcement | International Competition (Tender)  for Architectural and Landscape Design of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum



深圳红树林湿地博物馆(中国红树林博物馆)为大型专题类自然博物馆,是国家林草局与深圳市人民政府共同建设的国家一级博物馆,依托广东内伶仃福田国家级自然呵护区管理局设立。Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum (China MangroveMuseum) is a large-scale thematic natural museum, a first-class national museum jointly built by National Forestry and Grassland Administration and Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. It is established by Guangdong Neilingding Futian National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau.  “红树”作为深圳市的市树,是深圳精神的文化象征。红树林博物馆集红树林生态呵护、摆设展览、收藏呵护、科普教育、科学研究与娱乐休闲为一体,是深圳市未来重要文化及公共服务设施之一,是具有怪异意义的深圳城市文化名片。
"Mangrove", regarded as the city tree of Shenzhen, is the cultural symbol of Shenzhen spirit. Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum is a combination of mangrove ecological protection, exhibitions, collection and preservation, education popularization, scientific research and entertainment. It will become an important part of Shenzhen's cultural and public service infrastructures, and will serve as a city cultural ID of unique significance.

博物馆地处福田与南山两区交界,位于“塘朗山-安托山-竹子林-深圳湾”山海连廊与深圳湾滨海休闲带的交汇处,紧邻红树林国家级自然呵护区、深圳湾公园、深圳国际园林花卉博览园、华侨城及福田交通综合枢纽等重要的城市设施与特色片区。This project is located at the junction of Futian District and Nanshan District, and the intersection of Mangrove Forest Mountain to Sea Corridor (Tanglang Mountains - Antuo Mountains– Zhuzilin - Shenzhen Bay) and Shenzhen Bay Coastal Leisure Belt. It is close to important urban facilities and characteristic areas such as Mangrove National Nature Reserve, Shenzhen Bay Park, Shenzhen International Garden & Flower Expo Park, OCT and Futian transportation hub. 博物馆在空间格局、区域交通、生态环境等方面具有突出的区位优势,对于强化深圳城市公共文化建设、生态文明建设、基础设施修复与再利用、城市公共空间营造具有极高的战略价值。Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum enjoys prominent geographical advantages in terms of spatial pattern, regional transportation, ecological environment, etc.. It brings profound strategic value to the strengthening of Shenzhen's urban public cultural construction, ecological civilization construction, infrastructure restoration and reuse, as well as  the creation of urban public space. 为高标准建设本项目,建设方将于近期开展深圳红树林湿地博物馆(中国红树林博物馆)建筑与景观方案设计国际竞赛(招标),以国际化视野、前瞻性思维、创作发明性设计,完本钱项目的高水平规划和高标准建设。Inorder to incorporate international vision, forward thinking and innovative design into the high-level planning and high-standard construction of the project, International Competition (Tender)  for Architectural and Landscape Design of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum(China Mangrove Museum)  will be carried out soon.

基地东侧城市鸟瞰图/Aerial View of eastern area
基地西侧城市鸟瞰图/Aerial View of western area


Design Scope

本项目的规划范围总面积约13万㎡,总建筑面积约3.95万㎡(其中博物馆主体建筑3万㎡,配套停车场、园林及小型商业建筑0.95万㎡),配套景观面积约9.2万㎡。博物馆主体建筑的建设场地位于侨城东车辆段上盖东侧(含东南角的未利用地),上盖以下的物业已经建成,博物馆主体建筑的设计范围不涉及上盖以下空间。The site area of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum is about 130,000 square meters, with a total construction area of about 39,500 square meters (including 30,000 square meters for the main building of the museum, 9,500 square meters for the auxiliary parking lots, gardens and small commercial buildings), and approximately 92,000 square meters for the supporting landscape area. The construction site of the museum's main building is located on the upper cover of Subway line 11 platform (including undeveloped land in the southeast). The property below the upper cover has been completed. The design scope of the main building of the museum does not involve the space below the upper cover. 本项目是山海连廊建设的启动项目,需进行多层面的综合设计。本次竞赛(招标)共划分三个设计与研究范围,分别是:核心设计范围、概念设计范围以及城市研究范围。As the start-up project for the construction of Mangrove Forest Mountain to SeaCorridor, Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum requires a multi-dimension comprehensive design.The Competition (Tender)  is divided into three design and research scopes, namely: core design scope, conceptual design scope, and urban researchscope.

1) 核心设计范围 Core Design Scope

核心设计范围由四部分构成(详见下图)。设计内容包含:博物馆主体建筑及配套景观(含停车场、园林及小型商业建筑)、景观廊桥、道路收支口及通道、车辆段上盖结构沿主要道路立面改造等,范围总面积约13万平方米。The core design scope consists of 4 parts (see the picture below for details).Design content includes: the main building of the museum and the supporting landscape (including parking lots, gardens and small commercial buildings), landscape corridors, road entrances and passages, facade reconstruction of the depot structure of along the main road, covering a total area of about 130,000 square meters.
核心设计范围需开展详细的建筑及景观设计。The core design scope requires detailed architectural and landscape design.

核心设计范围/Core Design Scope

2) 概念设计范围 Scope of Conceptual Design


As an important part of the Mangrove Forest Mountain to Sea Corridor and the Shenzhen Bay Coastal Leisure Belt, Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum needs to fully consider the relationship with the adjacent public projects. 概念提案需从项目定位、公共空间、建筑体量、交通流线及功能组合上相呼应,并提出相应策略。Proposals for Conceptual Design need to be coordinated in terms of project positioning, public space, building volume, traffic flow lines, and functional combinations, etc., and put forward corresponding strategies.


概念设计范围/Scope of Conceptual Design

3) 城市研究范围 Scope of Urban Research
城市研究范围作为博物馆建筑设计竞赛(招标)的区域性范围,旨在以城市角度综合统筹,范围总面积约83.3万平方米。As the regional scope of International Competition (Tender) for Architectural and Landscape Design of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum, the scope of urban research aims to conduct research from the perspective of the city. The total area is about 833,000 square meters.
竞赛(招标)不要求对城市研究范围提出完整的城市设计构想,参赛者可以自愿自由地在该范围内,提交支撑核心区域概念的设计建议,从而进一步加强核心范围与周边城市连接的协调互利。The competition (bidding) does not require a complete urban design concept for the urban research scope. Participants can voluntarily and freely submit design proposals that support the core area concept within this scope, thereby further strengthening the coordination and mutual benefits of the connection between the core area and surrounding cities.

城市研究范围/Scope of Urban Research


Competition (Tender)Procedure

The competition (tender) will be carried out soon to solicit excellent bids from across the world. The detailed tendering procedures shall be subject to the official announcement.

Application Requirements
1.公开征集不设资质要求,境内外具有相关设计经验的设计团队(自力法人资格或具有自力承担民事责任能力的其他组织)均可报名加入。The open application is intended with no threshold in terms of qualification certificate. All local and international design teams (independent legal entities or other organizations that can independently bear civil liability) with relevant design experience are eligible for the registration. 2.联合体要求:本次设计竞赛(招标)接受联合体报名,联合体成员原则上不跨越2家,需以联合体协议书明确联合体的牵头单位和各自职责。联合体各方不得再零丁以自己名义,或者与另外的设计团队组成联合体加入本次竞赛(招标)。Requirements on joint group: Application as a joint group is allowed in this competition (tender) . And in principle, the number of members in a joint group should be no more than 2. A Joint Group Agreement is required to clarify the leading member and respective responsibilities. None of the members of a joint group is allowed to sign up again in its own name or in the form of another joint group. 3.如中标单位不具备设计建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级资质和风景园林工程设计专项甲级及以上资质,中标单位应在其中标后,自行委托国内具有该两项相应资质的设计单位,在获得招标人对具有相应资质设计单位的认可后,与对方签订委托协议,确保方案和初步设计满足国家及深圳有关规范、规定和行政审批部分的要求。If the awarded bidder does not have the Class A qualification in the design and construction industry (construction engineering) and the Class A or above qualifications for the special design of landscape engineering, the awarded bidder shall entrust the domestic design unit with the two corresponding qualifications after winning the bid. After obtaining the bidder's approval of the design unit with corresponding qualifications, an entrustment agreement is needed to ensure that the scheme and preliminary design are in compliance with relevant national and municipal standards, as well as regulations and requirements set by the administrative department. 4.申请团队法人为同一人或者存在直接控股关系的分歧团队,不得同时报名参赛。Different design teams under the same legal representative or direct holding relationship are not allowed to register for the Competition simultaneously.   5.不接受个人及个人组合的报名。Registration by individuals or teams of individuals will not be accepted.



本次国际竞赛(招标)正式公告将于近期发布,欢迎国内外设计团队进行预报名挂号。有意向介入的设计机构,请扫二维码或者点击“阅读原文”,填写预报名信息。正式公告发布后,我们亦会邮件通知。The announcement of the competition (tender)  will be released soon. Local and international design teams are welcome to make a pre-registration with us. Interested parties may scan the QR code or click "Readmore" to fill in the pre-registration information.


正式招标公告发布后,我们亦会邮件通知。We will also send a notice to you once the announcement is released.


Tenderee And Service

招标人 : 广东内伶仃福田国家级自然呵护区管理局Tenderee: Guangdong Neilingding Futian National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau
组织方 : 深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心、中外建工程设计与顾问有限公司Organizer: ATUChina, CIEDC ShenZhen
技术支持 : 阿黛尔桑托斯事务所及MIT建筑学院教授团队、深圳市城市规划设计研究院  Technical Support:Adele Santos and Associates & Professional Team fromSchool of Architecture MIT, Urban Planning and Design Institute of Shenzhen(UPDIS)
咨询邮箱 :guanzhusz@atuchina.comEnquiry Email:guanzhusz@atuchina.com
咨询德律风 Hotline北京时间周一至周五9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00Monday - Friday (UCT+8) 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00吴工/ Miss Wu: +86-0755-86250922
微信/Wechat: 18566744737


Tender Announcement


1.  The competition (tender)  will be officially announced in the following weeks. The specific bidding content and schedule are subject to the official announcement.



2.Official release platform of tender announcement:


3.Other announcement publishing platforms:
http://pnr.sz.gov.cn/www.atuchina.orgwww.szdesigncenter.org 4、未在深圳市电子招投标交易平台挂号过的设计单位,可前往https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/提前进行挂号;以联合体报名的各个成员单位都需要进行网上注册挂号。4.Intended participants are also encouraged to start preparation for the bidding by registering at the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/ ; Each member/unit of the joint group shall register separately.


5.Please click here to download the manual for conducting online enterprise information registration:https://w.url.cn/s/AsKJ9IZ

※ 招标人对本次国际竞赛(招标)工作规则拥有最终解释权。解释语言以中文为准。※ TheTenderee reserves the right for the interpretation of the Tender Document, with the language of interpretation subjected to Chinese. 点击阅读原文,预报名! Click "Read more" to fill in the pre-registration information.
主编:Medea | 翻译:MIT、Vivienne
设计:Medea | 审核:观小筑


Information Sources: Guangdong Neilingding Futian National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau, ATUChina


Release Date: June 2020


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