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正式公告 | 深国际前海19-07-02及19-07-03、19-07-05、19-08-03地块项目建筑工程设计国际招标









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2020-7-3 08:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

项目概况Project Profile

Qianhai lies in the west of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, sitting on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary and neighboring Hong Kong. It is planned as a demonstrative zone for in-depth cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, and a new urban center of Shenzhen.

This project is located in the 19th Unit of Qianhai Mawan area. The unit is positioned as a comprehensive block that functions as a regional hub of production organization and an international supply chain management center. It is also the industrial service center in Mawan area, one of the three major areas of Qianhai.


Located in Plot 19-07-02&19-07-03、19-07-05、19-08-03 of  19th Unit. An area enclosed by Yihai Avenue, Moon Bay Avenue, Zimao East Street, Tonggang Street and Mawan 1st Road.


This project covers an area of 61,349.25 square meters, the GFA above ground being 190,050 square meters. The project mainly functions as residential areas, business apartments, supporting facilities, and commercial areas.


This project is invested by its own funds and the investment is approximately RMB 4.364 billion.


图1 项目区位图 | Fig 1 Project Location

项目定位Project Positioning

The project is positioned as "China's Qianhai Mawan, and the world's bayside exquisite county", aiming to build world-class upscale residential buildings based on high-quality landscapes including the surrounding mountain scenery, seaside, parks, rivers, as well as other complete facilities. It will take the lead in creating a comfortable environment in the new city center of Qianhai.

招标范围Bidding Scope
This project covers an area of 61,349.25 square meters, the GFA above ground being 190,050 square meters and the total building floor area (including underground building area, etc.) provisionally estimated at 253,000 square meters.

The project is a create the core business district and an upscale residential community of Mawan. The project mainly functions as residential areas, business apartments, supporting facilities, commercial areas and underground parking lot.


A general design contractor will be engaged to provide the whole-process design for the project, i.e., engineering design and specialized design for the main buildings within the site, from SD (including cost estimation), DD (including budgetary estimation), CD design, and construction administration until the completion and acceptance of the project.


图2 项目位置 | Fig 2 Project site


Bidding Rules


The tender is divided into three stages, specifically:
1.报名及资格预审阶段:1.Prequalification :


The bidding adopts open application, soliciting excellent bids from across the world, and the number of joint groups should be no more than 3. The bidders should be registered enterprises inside or outside the People's Republic of China.

The domestic bidder undertaking preliminary design, construction drawing design, and general contracting management (including subdivision design) should have Class A or above building (building engineering) qualification issued by the government administrative authorities; and it shall be the leading member while bidding as a joint group.


And individuals are unaccepted.
All proposed design personnel for this bidding shall be on the payroll of the bidder, and the chief architect must direct the whole design process personally. At least one member of the design team shall be proficient in Chinese to ensure accurate understanding of the local context and requirements in China.


Through open votes to select 6 bidders to enter Phase 2 as well as two sorted alternative units. 2.投标方案评审阶段

2.Bid Evaluation


Requirements for design document in bid evaluation phase: Design deliverables include texts, working models, electronic files, exhibition boards, etc. Metric design units shall be adopted in all design deliverables. A list of deliverables shall be submitted. The documents shall be prepared in accordance with relevant national codes and standards as well as the requirements of the task outline.


3.Bid Determination

The committee shall take into consideration the conceptual design scheme, the qualifications and performance of bidders and their personnel, the interview performance of these personnel, work division among members of joint groups, proposal price and other factors.

招标控制价及设计抵偿费Bidding Control Price and Honorarium1.合同设计费1. Contract amount本次项目的合同总设计费用投标报价上限为5030万元。单价(按计容面积核算)控制价¥264.66元/㎡。
The ceiling of the design fee for the project under the contract is RMB 50.3 million.The unit price (calculated by GFA above ground) is controlled at RMB 264.66 per square meter.
2.Design Compensation

3. 方案使用费及有关费用的支付3. Payment of design compensation and related fees本次投标的设计抵偿费均以人民币支付,以上设计抵偿费均含税,获得设计抵偿费的投标人应提供请款资料并签订协议,在中标公示结束(且没有异议)后开始打点支付手续;设计抵偿费由招标人支付。The design compensation, which is tax inclusive, will be paid in RMB. The bidder who receives an design compensation shall provide payment request materials and sign an agreement for the Employer to effect the payment after the publicity of the bidding result (provided that no objection is raised during the publicity period).4. 其他

4. Miscellaneous
投标人加入本次投标的所有费用(含差旅住宿费)均自行承担。如评标委员会认为投标人提交的功效文件未达到本次招标工作深度及要求的,招标人将不予支付其设计抵偿费。All expenses  (including travel and accommodation)  incurred by the bidder’s participation in shall be on the bidder’s account. If the Bid Evaluation Panel concludes that a bidder’s submissions fail to reach the required detailing level or meet the bidding requirements, no design compensation will be paid to said bidder.
招标日程 Bidding Schedule


其他重要信息Important Information1. 本项目投标申请人需要下载的所有相关文件须前往深圳建设工程交易服务网下载。1. All application documents needed by the bidder are available at Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trading Service Network.2. 报名开始截止时间详见深圳建设工程交易服务网-招标公告。
2. The deadline for bidders’ questions will be announced at the Bidding Announcements column of Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trading Service Network.
3.  Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trading Service Network is http://zjj.sz.gov.cn/jsjy/
4. 资格预审申请文件递交方式:现场提交。地址:深圳市福田区振华路8号设计大厦二楼深圳建设工程交易服务中心勘察设计窗口

4. The Application Documents for Prequalification shall be delivered to the designated place.

Submission address: Survey & Design Window of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre, Floor 2, Design Building, No. 8 Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China 518031

5. 关未在深圳市电子招投标交易平台挂号过的设计单位,请前往https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/进行挂号;以联合体报名的各个成员单位都需要进行网上注册挂号。

5. Intended participants are also encouraged to start preparation for the bidding by registering at the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre:https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/; Each member/unit of the joint group shall register separately.

招标方及组织方Tenderee and Organiser咨询联系:Contacts:德律风:+086-0755-86250922(北京时间周一至周五9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00)Phone:+086-0755-86250922 (9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00, Monday to Friday, Beijing Time)
邮箱: atuchina@126.com
Email: atuchina@126.com请有意向介入投标的国内外优秀设计机构密切关注深圳建设工程服务交易网和招标顾问和代办署理机构深圳观筑的微信公众号,以便获取本项目的相关信息。
For more information, please refer to Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trading Service Network and the official WeChat account ID of atuchina.
招标人:深国际前海投资管理(深圳)有限公司Tenderee:Shenzhen International Qianhai Investment and Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.联合招标人:深国际前海商业发展(深圳)有限公司Joint Tenderee:Shenzhen International Qianhai Business Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.组织方:深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心Organiser: ATUchina

Supervisor:Shenzhen International Holdings Limited


The officially announced had released at Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trading Service Network shall prevail.


Please click "Read more" to switch to the announcement page.


Deadline for the submission:17:00, June 5, 2020


The Chinese interpretation of all clauses herein shall prevail and the right to construe them resides in the Employer.


The Tenderee reserves the right for the interpretation of the Tender Document, with the language of interpretation subjected to Chinese.


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