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发表于 2020-8-25 09:43:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

公告 Announcement
Open Bidding for Architectural Design of T102-0317 Parcel Project in Shenzhen Qianhai is now calling for pre-qualification application. Design teams from China and abroad are welcomed to participate.


项目布景及定位 Project Background /Positioning
Qianhai Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. is awholly state-owned financial vehicle established by Qianhai Administration. Century Securities Co., Ltd. is an all-round securities company operating nationwide, with complete business licenses. They are the joint owners of this project. This project is a 5A Grade A office building held for lease (partlyowner-occupied) to financial organizations as their headquarter. This project aims to become a financial icon in the Greater Bay Area and a classic financial tower in Qianhai. Tenants of the project will come from financial industry, namely those Fortune 500 or leading financial institutions, enterprises, who would have set up headquarters or offices in Qianhai, including local financial organizations in Shenzhen looking for an upgrade, or those seeking a new foothold in Shenzhen. Specific area focuses are funds, securities &futures, insurance, asset management, etc.

项目概况 Project Overview
1.项目区位 Project location
Qianwan is one of the three zones in Qianhai located in the middle part, the other two being Guiwan to its north and Mawan to its south. According to upper level plans, Qianwan is the “modern Hong Kong industrial city”, an integrated zone with composite functions/programs. It shall focus on technology and information service industries, while also serve as an extension of Guiwan by providing public services such as sports, education, healthcare, etc. The project is located in Qianwan Zone T102-0317 parcel in Nanshan district in Shenzhen, at the junction between Tinghai Avenue and Qianwan 2 RD., close to Qianwan and Menghai metro stations.

2.项目规模 Project Scale
The above grade building floor area is 93700㎡. The office building is 82000㎡ and the commercial building above ground is 8000㎡. Underground commercial building area 3700㎡. Building height restriction is 220m.Main functions include office, commercial and underground parking lot. The total invest of the project will be about RMB 4.856 billion, including the landprice. The construction period will be 5 year.
招标内容Bidding Scope
1. 投标阶段,工作内容包含但不但限于:
Work scopeat the bidding stage includes but not limited to:
Architectural Concept Design, Master planning design, Conceptual landscape design,Concept ualinterior design(important area), and other work contents stipulated in the Design Brief.
2. 中标后阶段,工作内容包含但不但限于:
Work period after bid has been awarded includes but not limited to:
Deepening stage of conceptual architectural design, architectural scheme design, architectural design development, design development of the architectural elevation, performing construction documentation review, construction administration, provision of design technical disclosure, review and cooperation with the special designs of other disciplines (including but notlimited to the followings: landscape design, lighting design, and interior design,etc.), responsible and cooperation with the SD approval and other work contents stipulated in the Tender Document.
资格预审报名条件Pre-QualificationApplication 1. 本次招标采取公开报名的方式,不设资质要求,境内外具有相关设计经验的设计单位均可报名加入。本项目接受联合体报名。
2. 介入本次投标活动的设计人员应为该投标人的在册人员,主创设计师须直接介入投标全过程。为了包管项目设计人员对中国地区布景和相关要求的准确理解,项目设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。
3. 投标人根据招标文件要求提供资格预审申请文件。
1.This tender is open to all and has no qualification requirements. Domestic and overseas design organizations with relevant design experience may sign up and participate. This project will accept application from any consortium.
2.Designers whom is involved in the bidding shall be registered personnel of the bidders, and the principal designer(s) must directly participate in the whole bidding process. There shall be at least one person who understands Chinese among the project team in order to guarantee an accurate understanding of the Chinese contextual background and relevant requirements.
3.Bidders shall provide the prequalification application documents as required by the Tender Document.
招标规则Bidding Rules 本次招标分为资格预审阶段,概念方案设计竞赛阶段及定标阶段。
The tender process will be divided into Pre-qualification, Concept Design Competition and Winner Deciding stages.
1) 招标人依法组建资格预审委员会,由7名专家组成。2) 资格预审委员会对投标人的资格、业绩、拟投入项目的团队,概念草案等资格预审申请文件进行审查。此次资格预审会将评选出6家入围的投标人进入第二阶段的设计竞赛阶段。同时再评选出2家备选投标人(须排序),如前6家入围的投标人退出第二阶段竞标的,则备选投标人依序替补。 1. Pre-qualification

1) The tenderee will set up a prequalification review committee according to law, which will consist of seven experts.2) The prequalification committee will select six bidders to enter the second stage of design competition according to the bidders’ prequalification application documents such as qualifications, relevant experiences, proposed team (refer to V. Composition of Prequalification Application Documents), and conceptual proposal and also select two bidders onthe waitlist (ranked in order). If any of the 6 withdraw from the second stage of the competition, a bidder from the waitlist will be selected as a replacement per sequential order. 2.概念方案设计竞赛阶段
1) 招标人依法组建方案评审委员会,成员由7名以上境内外专家组成。2)投标人提交符合设计任务书要求的功效文件,由方案评审委员会采取记名投票法进行评审,选出无排序的前三名。 2. ConceptDesign Competition

1) The tenderee will set up the scheme review committee according to law, of which the members shall include 7 domestic and overseas experts.2) Bidders shall submit deliverables as required by the Design Brief, and the schemereview committee will review and select the top 3 without ranking through open ballot.
招标人依法依规组建定标委员会,并从方案评审委员会推荐的3名中标候选人中确定1名中标人。 3.Winner Deciding
A bid selection committee shall be established by the tenderee to determine the winner from the 3 candidates recommended by the scheme review committee.
具体详见资格预审文件See details in the Prequalification Document
招标日程Bidding Schedule


First stage


Application and prequalification

The prequalification announcement is released, and the application process begins.
Query Deadline
2020.6.24正式答疑发布Formal answers to the queries release
2020.6.28资格预审申请资料提交截止End of prequalification application documents submission
2020.7.6(待定 To be determined)资格预审会及结果公示Prequalification review meeting and result announcing
The bidder should submit both the sealed/chopped original and the electronic scanning copy of the Letter of Confirmation.

第二阶段Stage II设计竞标阶段Design competition phase 2020.7.10发布正式招标文件及详细设计任务书
Formal bid invitation documents and detailed Design Brief are released.
2020.8.10质疑截止Query Deadline
2020.8.14设计合同条款答疑截止Deadline of enquiries to design contract clauses
2020.8.28投标人递交投标文件Bidders to submit deliverables
2020.9.1(待定 To be determined)方案评审会Design scheme review meeting
待定 To be determined定标
Bid winner deciding

相关费用Relevant Expenses 1 设计费 Design fee
The upper limit of the total design fee of this project is temporarily set to be RMB 30 million. The design scope includes but not limited to:
The conceptual architectural design and the relevant master planning; the conceptual interior design of important area; the conceptual landscape design, and other work contents stipulated in the Design Brief.
Deepening stage of conceptual architectural design, architectural scheme design, architectural design development, design development of the architectural elevation, performing construction documentation review, construction administration, provision of design technical disclosure, review and cooperation with the special designs of other disciplines (including but not limited to the followings: landscape design,lighting design, and interior design, etc.), responsible and cooperation with the SD approval and other work contents stipulated in the Tender Document.
2 方案使用费Design Compensation
第一名 180万或授予合同The first place. Pay the No. 1 bidder RMB 1.8 million or sign acontract
第二名 150万The second place, 1.5 million
第三名 120万The third place, 1.2 million
第四名 100万The fourth place, 1.0 million
第五名 80万The fifth place, 800 thousand
第六名 70万The sixth place, 700 thousand
报名要求 Application Regulation
The application for this tender project shall be filed from 2020.6.15 to 2020.6.28 15:00 (Beijing Time, the same below). Application institutions shall, before the closing time for application, send the paper documents of application materials and a USB flash drive to the window on Floor 2, Design Building, No. 8 Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City (Only accept on-site submission of documents, subject to the time when the paper documents are received and the overdue submission will be refused).
Details of the registration requirements are detailed in the official website of Shenzhen Construction Project Exchange Service Center.
资料索取 Data Access
The official announcement platform for the prequalification document, tender announcement, and follow-up Q&A is the Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service Network:https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac2726fe2600172a72e4ad865a5 竞赛活动信息查询网址/公众号:The competition website / wechat office account:http://www.szdesigncenter.org/https://www.gooood.cn/

联系方式Contacts 咨询邮箱 Enquiry Email:competition@whowhengroup.com
咨询德律风 Enquiry Hotline:


Ms. Fan: +8618620372481 (Monday - Friday GMT+8 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00)


Mr Fang: +8615218749830 (Monday - Friday GMT+8 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00)







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