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特约专访06 | 疫情之下的顶级建筑事务所:Patrik Schumacher / 张韬 / 黄志毅 / 邓文华 / 何哲









Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2021-5-30 09:08:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Interview Background


The tremendous changes in the physical world have brought about unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the architectural design industry. Global lockdown and quarantine are still the norm of our lives, and our discussions still center around the pandemic. We came up with 3 open questions-about status quo and the future, and reached out to representatives of 100 global architecture and design firms, hoping to seek answers to the following questions.



被采访人 Interviewee

帕特里克 · 舒马赫 Dr. Patrik SCHUMACHER

总裁 Principal


Company:Zaha Hadid Architects


Location: London (Headquarters), UK based + a few overseas offices


Company size:  400 employees,globally


Q1: Please briefly summarize your 2020?

The year 2020 was extraordinary successful for ZHA. This might seem surprising in the face of the Corona Virus pandemic. The pandemic was initially a challenge. We had to organize and technically implement home working for our 450 employees. However, we succeeded rather well and could maintain our productivity levels, I suspect by way of getting more hours per employee. We managed to stay in touch with our clients via video conferencing, meet design delivery deadlines, as well as win new work. Most of this work is in China. The rest of the world slowed down. The key to our great year was thus the fact that China’s economy recovered quickly and that there were only minimal delays in project schedules in China. As a result the proportion of Chinese projects in our overall project portfolio increased dramatically. Interestingly, our focus on China allowed us to achieve our largest order book even, implying a growth rate of about 30%.



Q2: What are the impacts and changes that companies/individuals have come across under the pandemic?

I believe the discovery of the viability of remote working in architecture was the most impactful discovery within the pandemic. This discovery changed our working lives now and will have a lasting impact on ways of working in the years and decades to come. The risk for creative industry firms is the potential loss of a cohesive office culture.



Q3: What are your thoughts on human beings, cities, industries, companies and yourself after the outbreak of COVID-19?

If the changes to our working patterns generalize and become permanent, then urban life and cities will transform too. Cities will still be working hubs but no longer for the majority of workers. Older workers will move to the suburbs or countryside. They will focus more on social life and entertainment. Since retail has also shifted more and more online, socializing venues will dominate cities. This implies also that city life will become younger. I believe that these developments make cities more interesting places to live.




被采访人 Interviewee

张韬  Tao Zhang


Sasaki Principal and Chair of Design Culture,Sasaki

Sasaki 基金会理事

Trustee, Sasaki Foundation



公司人数: 335人

Size and scale : 335 employees

所在地: 波士顿,丹佛,上海

Location: Boston, Denver, Shanghai


Q1: Please briefly summarize your 2020?

我的2020年跟大部分美国民众几乎全是一个模式,从3月中旬就开始远程工作。我戏称我们都是被“house arrest”软禁了。这一年里时间过的很迷幻,有时觉得过活如年,日复一日在卧室,厨房和书房间循环往复;有时又觉得时间飞逝如电,还没出门叶子就绿了,花絮纷飞,再一眨眼枫叶就红了,很快又白雪皑皑(10月我们就迎来了波士顿的第一场数尺厚的大暴雪)。WFH (work from home) 远程在家工作让一天的工作无时无刻没有边际。我们省却了每日通勤的时间,却在家里忙到蓬头垢面,没有时间按时吃饭,在无数的zoom 视频会议间接力赛跑。在这相对封闭的一年里,我们对外界的信息里却充满着各种重大事件,从疫情的爆发,到澳洲和美国西海岸的灾难性森林大火,美国对人种人权不公现状的全民觉醒和游行示威,到美国大选和权力交接中呈现的各种动荡,都是对我们精神耐力的冲击和考验。

My 2020 was pretty much the same as with most people in the US by starting the lockdown in mid-March. I joked with colleagues that we were all under house arrest. The sense of time was quite surreal and confusing during the quarantine. Sometimes it felt insidious as if it’d been years just living between the bed, kitchen, and the desk; sometimes it felt that time flew by in a blink of an eye. March was still winter for Boston when we went into the lockdown. Before I realized it, all street trees turned green and flowers were in full bloom. In no time, the fall foliage quietly shed their leaves and soon it was snowy again. We had the first heavy snowstorm in October in New England in 2020. WFH (Work From Home) made work-life balance a mission impossible. It felt more like ‘live at work’ than ‘work from home’. Time saved from eliminating daily commute didn’t make up for the endless zoom conference calls that occupied each day.  My long sedentary days often didn’t even allow time for lunch. My beard and hair grew shaggy for a while. In this isolated year, however, the news was nothing short of shocking events, from the COVID-19 outbreaks to the catastrophic wildfires in Australia and California, to the reckoning of the racial injustice in the US, and finally the turbulences in the U.S. presidential election and the transfer of power, all testing our mental endurance.


But for an industry like design that is rooted in innovation, constraints often present opportunities for inspiration and discoveries.  We have learned quite a lot that we had previously assumed impossible during 2020. Through new technologies and flexible collaboration, Sasaki still had a very strong year. The COVID-19 situation in the United States is still dire. We still need at least a few more months of quarantine time before the majority of the population receive vaccines. Our Shanghai office has long been back to normal, which makes us in Boston very envious.


Q2: What are the impacts and changes that companies/individuals have come across under the pandemic?

最大的影响是对于协作工作模式的考验,Sasaki 是一个从学科,专业,文化和管理构架等很多方面非常多元的一个公司,我们以跨学科和扁平化的团队协作而闻名。我们在波士顿著名的查尔斯河岸上的总部集中了300多名几乎涵盖所有设计专业的同事。在2020年3月前,在这座跨越150多年的老磨坊改造的建筑里每日都是一个高能量和布满创作发明力的活跃场景。但突如其来的疫情让我们一夜间全部分散各地,甚至分歧大洲和国家。我们很快探索和找到各种对策,在线上延续密切的合作,我们利用Zoom,Miro,Slack 等工具沟通和连结动态的设计工作营。同时公司正在将全部工作资源转移到云上,不再依赖实体硬盘和硬件,提高工作效率和灵活度。这些影响应该也算是疫情让这些原本就在考虑的决策来的更快更果断一些吧。

The biggest impact was on how we work. Sasaki is a very diverse firm at so many levels, professionally, culturally, and structurally. We are known for our interdisciplinary work and democratic team structures. Our office on the Charles River in Boston was home to over 300 professionals across almost all design disciplines. Before the pandemic, any day you visit this more than 150-year-old mill building (remodeled with LEED certification), you would see and feel the bustling creative energy. However, the outbreak interrupted it and sent us all home overnight. We quickly explored and found various online solutions to stay productive. We employed Zoom, Miro, Slack, and all sorts of tools to communicate and collaborate. During this year, we also made the strategic decision to migrate all digital resources and work to the cloud to improve work efficiency and flexibility. It’s no small task, but we think it’s the right decision. We would say that it’s COVID-19 that accelerated these aspirational decision makings.

对于机遇和运营,我们公司受到的影响还是比较小。公司在5月份的时候就未雨绸缪决定我们所有董事在这一年临时减薪20%以备意外,确保员工的收入和生活保障不受影响,同时利用美国联邦政府的PPP (Paycheck Protection Program)增加公司的现金储蓄量。我们随时根据美国经济的预测调剂对策,预计在2021年初恢复董事们的正常薪水。

To prepare for the pandemic’s impacts on the firm operation, we were precautious and made an early decision in May that all principals took a temporary salary reduction by 20% to ensure that our employees wouldn’t lose their jobs or sacrifice their income.  We also took advantage of the U.S. Federal Government’s PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loan to increase the company's cash reserve to be more resilient in case the pandemic would last longer. We are being optimistic and hope to restore the principals’ salaries in spring 2021.

尽管我们在美国的公建项目(public sector work)和校园类项目受到一定疫情带来的滞后或政府资金欠缺的影响,这一年里我们依旧是各种项目应接不暇,包含一些非常重要的公共项目,好比著名的波士顿市政厅广场改造,Copley 广场的改造,深圳5+1碧道工程全球竞标中标坪山河段景观工程等。同时我们这一年连结了一如既往的获奖趋势,荣获了包含ASLA,APA,AIA, SCUP 等各个主要设计行业的诸多大奖。

Although our public sector work and campus projects in the United States were affected by the pandemic, we still had a busy year and won some significant work, including public projects such as the famous Boston City Hall Plaza renovation, Copley Plaza redesign, Shenzhen 5+1 blueway landscape. We are also proud to have continued our winning streaks in 2020 and received a number of major national and international design awards including ASLA, APA, AIA, SCUP, and so on.


Q3: What are your thoughts on human beings, cities, industries, companies and yourself after the outbreak of COVID-19?

我一直是一个比较乐观的人,对于人类和城市,尽管COVID-19冠状病毒迅速让整个世界都接近瘫痪,但我不认为它能对人类和文明的进步发生根本的影响。作为社会性物种,我们人类依旧会渴望交流,共享和社群归属感。所以城市依旧会是我们趋之若鹜的文明集散地, 无论科技多么发达,都无法取代我们对物理空间的需求。疫情除让我们更加敬畏自然和科学外,应该不会在整个人类历史上留下重要的痕迹。全球疫情和全球气候转变让公共空间和环境健康的重要性更加凸显,从而对规划和设计行业提出更高要求。在疫苗快速普及接种的2021年,熙攘的市井之象和生活烟火气息将再次充盈我们大部分的生活。有这些活动和需求在,设计行业就永远有用武之地和价值,为营造公共空间贡献绵薄之力。

I have always been optimistic. Even though the COVID-19 virus almost brought the entire world to its knees in a few weeks, I don’t think it can have a fundamental impact on the progress of humanity and civilization. As a social species, we human beings desire communicating, loving, sharing, and a strong sense of community. Cities will still be magnetic hubs for activities and cultures. No matter how advanced technologies become, the virtual worlds cannot replace our primal needs for a shared physical environment. Besides reminding us again to respect nature and science, COVID-19 probably will not leave a large scar (at least I hope not) in entire human history. The pandemic and climate change have made the importance of public space and environmental health even more urgent, placing higher demands on the planning and design industry. Once the COVID vaccines become widely available across the globe in 2021, the bustling street life will once again return. As long as these social activities and needs for shared space persist, the design profession will always be valuable in creating healthy and desirable public spaces.



被采访人 Interviewee

黄志毅 Huang Zhiyi

开创合伙人 Founding partner


Company:Shenzhen diwu architectural design co., LTD


Size and scale : 12 employees


Location : Shenzhen


Q1: Please briefly summarize your 2020?


In 2020, this number is interesting, it is a repetition of words, repeated cycles.


In 2020, I personally was in a state of full-time waiting and rest (no work to do), and I have not deliberately found something to do (it’s not like pushing myself into an anxious state in previous years). There’s nothing bad about it. The economic cost will be greater.


Specifically, I made a conceptual plan for the school, and then a school that I did previously opened in September (the surrounding response is also okay); I made 3 open competition registrations, one of which was shortlisted in the first round, followed by no success, the other two stopped in the first round (the design process of these three times feels very good, without the bad feeling of being engaged in excessive communication-sometimes people do not know whether they hire a machine or a person, thinking of this, I have reason to believe that the age of artificial intelligence must be beautiful, because humans and machines will be a little more harmonious when they get along); I have reviewed two competitions, which are quite rewarding; I participated in an exhibition (by Shenzhen architects group activities), "Time-section - the possibility of Shenzhen architecture design". Happy process.


Q2: What are the impacts and changes that companies/individuals have come across under the pandemic?


Regarding the COVID-19, I remembered two things: one was when the COVID-19 seemed to be the most serious (my basis was when the masks were sold most expensive), we bought masks with a high protection level close to the total price of CNY 10,000 and were ready to start work. It was completely useless later, because when it was serious, there was no opportunity to start work offline. When it was not serious, everyone was relaxed and unwilling to use such a mask with poor comfort.


Another thing is that when everyone is talking about (or the media guides everyone) the impact of the COVID-19 on the industry, it is actually difficult for me to establish a relationship between these two. This makes me wonder. However, I didn’t give up, and I thought about this issue carefully. The conclusion I had was-my personal and company’s status this year, before there was no COVID-19, I already had a bad judgment (based on company and personal factors) , So when these happened, I did not think about the impact of the COVID-19 (this shows that I have a preference to find the reasons for myself when encountering problems).


I think the COVID-19 has brought some good work modes — it’s worth talking about online meetings. This is great, saving a lot of time, and experiencing the future mode in advance (this is fun, a bit magical, I even think try the state where all employees of the company work at home as partners, and the changes in management brought about by changes in the work mode, and finally realize that everyone becomes a free labor force who can be responsible for themselves).


Q3: What are your thoughts on human beings, cities, industries, companies and yourself after the outbreak of COVID-19?


Because of my personal preference, I gave up thinking about this issue, and I wish the future will become better.


Then thank you for the interview invitation of ArchPark, and I wish ArchPark to be a garden of joy for architects!



被采访人 Interviewee

邓文华 Deng Wenhua

开创合伙人 Founding partner


Company:Civil and stone architectural design firm


Location: Shenzhen+Xian


Company size: 10 employees


Q1: Please briefly summarize your 2020?

2020年的第一次 X 6

First time  X  6  in 2020


For the first time, I experienced a such huge global epidemic. The response to the epidemic from the East and West country triggered me to rethink the differences in value and culture between them from another perspective;


For the first time, I spent 4 months ,24 hours per day with my family in an immersive way  during the epidemic: strengthen the relationship between father and son, promote harmony between husband and wife, harmony in the family;


For the first time as a tutor : image the future possibilities of architecture with students and teachers from the School of Architecture of Shenzhen University;

第一次与土木石团队,以中标实施方案参于建筑展览活动 :红岭中学石厦校区改扩建项目 ——《走向新校园福田新校园行动计划8+1建筑联展》;

For the first time , with TUMUSHI team, We participated in a architecture exhibition with the winning project : Shenzhen Hongling Middle School Shixia Campus Expansion - "Towards a New Campus, Futian New School Initiative 8+1 Architectural Collective Exhibition";


For the first time as an expert , I participated in the bid evaluation of the architecture design competition , and contributed a tiny force to the architectural and urban development of Shenzhen ;


For the first time, I was promoted to "Supreme Star I" , but failed to be named "The Strongest King" (the highest level of Arena Valor mobile game).  Fight again next year!


Q2: What are the impacts and changes that companies/individuals have come across under the pandemic?


Before the epidemic, the key project of Tumushi (Shenzhen) was a middle school project by the  bid in early 2018. As the project's return was far beyond our expectation, the office encountered financial difficulties. After the outbreak, the rented office ceased operations. The working mode of TumshiI (Shenzhen) has quickly transformed from the original physical office to virtual office and remote office mode. In fact, the transformation of the work mode during the epidemic has greatly reduced physical office rental costs, reduced transportation time costs, remote travel and taxation costs. They have played a positive role in the continuous operation of Tumushi (Shenzhen) during this years . The virtual office mode was forced to transform from the beginning, but later on, by the remote joint design and virtual co-working, the closeness between Tumushi (Shenzhen) and Tumushi (Xi'an) was further enhanced, and the cooperation with partners and colleagues became more and more tacit understanding. It also motivates us to more firmly continue to carry out our design practices in Shenzhen (the Future City) and Xi'an (the Ancient Capital ).


Q3: What are your thoughts on human beings, cities, industries, companies and yourself after the outbreak of COVID-19?


There are more and more communication between people through virtual space: remote office, virtual meeting, online review, online teaching, online celebrity live broadcast, mobile games, video New Year greetings, WeChat red envelopes. We have gradually become accustomed to carry out various social activities by facing the cold two-dimensional screen. This trend in habit has accelerated the reduction of face-to-face communication between people. We may no longer need too much physical space for offices, meetings, exhibitions and social interactions, and no longer need so much commuting time to physical spaces. With less physical space and commuting time, so many cars may no longer be needed, urban roads do not need to be so wide, the future urban road network does not need to be so dense, and the density of cities does not need to be so high. We may no longer need so many subways, high-speed train, planes, huge  rail stations and super airports. In the future city, the land space released by these potentially unnecessary physical spaces will become public squares , tree-lined parks, low-density campuses, humanized hospitals, and sports venues within walking distance-- for the citizens.


Technological development has broken the traditional definition of office space. The virtual network penetrates the physical space, allowing office activities to invade everyone's private range. Cafes, subways, cars, walking, eating, and even in the bathroom, bed, everywhere can become office space for official duties. The advancement of science and technology has improved the efficiency of work, but the working hours are getting longer and longer. The faster the spread of 2G, 4G, and 5G networks, the less face-to-face communication between people, and we all become strangers familiar with each other's voice and two-dimensional beauty. In the future, the warm, emotional, and telepathic face-to-face communication will become rare and commendable. It is as precious as PAPER letters and PAPER New Year cards between friends as we were young.



被采访人 Interviewee

何哲 He Zhe

开创合伙人 Founding partner


Company:People’sArchitecture Office (PAO)


Location: Beijing


Company size: 20 employees


Q1: Please briefly summarize your 2020?


This is a year in which the plot is constantly inverted. Many things that shouldn't have come, and many things that shouldn't have gone. It's extremely magical, but this is also our reality.


The first half of 2020 is relatively difficult for People's Architecture. Fortunately, the second half of the year is slowly returning to the right track. The ten-year solo exhibition "Social Design: Play and Learn" in Shenzhen People's Architecture closed successfully after the extension of the exhibition due to the COVID-19. Xianxian Sunshine Kindergarten was completed and opened, Cuibei Experimental Primary School's Yubei Campus tennor prefabrication construction was quickly completed and put into use, the structure of Fuqiang Primary School was close to the top, and several exhibitions opened one after another. There are still some results.


Q2: What are the impacts and changes that companies/individuals have come across under the pandemic?


The most obvious impact of the COVID-19 was in the first half of the year, the payment collection was extremely poor. Some projects were terminated or suspended due to the COVID-19. For example, in an office, the construction progressed to 80%, because the owner's internal personnel adjustment cancelled the lease of office space, and the project was terminated. There are also competitions because couldn't report to the scene, but unfortunately broke down. In the first half of the year, the company's operating pressure was very high, but fortunately, there was a big improvement in the second half of the year, and some new project opportunities of different types even appeared.


After the COVID-19, network cooperation methods have gradually become more frequent. The most direct benefit is that more third-party consulting cooperation has emerged, which is very important for us.


Q3: What are your thoughts on human beings, cities, industries, companies and yourself after the outbreak of COVID-19?


This year has fully illustrated the uncertainty of the future. Changes occur at any time and are unpredictable. We need to learn to face the uncertainty of social development. For cities and buildings, the flexibility of space and the speed of construction are very important.


The COVID-19 has caused more gaps between people and people. In order to achieve more connections and exchanges, we need more open and diverse cities and buildings. This is the direction we have been working hard on.



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