ffycxyw2274436 发表于 2019-11-15 21:55:36


Stibbe总部的城市环境以区域多样性和分歧的规模水平为特征:在东侧,该地址是阿姆斯特丹南轴的延续,而北侧为A10高速公路;西侧是通往市中心的主要道路的贝多芬街(Beethoven Street),而东侧则是比阿特丽克斯公园(Beatrix Park)。


Stibbe headquarter’s urban context is characterized by the variety of spheres and different scale levels: to the east, the location is a continuation of Amsterdam’s South Axis, whereas the north side is mainly characterized by the A10 highway. On the west side the Beethoven Street is the main route to the city centre while the east side is situated in the Beatrix Park.

该设计的特点是沿足迹有机组织的,这种视觉语言使得公园在建筑物周围找到延续,而且可以从贝多芬街(Beethoven Street)看到。浪漫的流线、经典英式花园如比阿特丽克斯公园,在建筑外观中得以延续。

Characteristic of the urban design are the organic footprints. This visual language allows for the park to find continuation around the buildings and to be visible and palpable from the Beethoven Street. The flowing lines of the romantic, classic English garden like Beatrixpark, find continuation in the architectural appearance.

总部年夜楼面积为14.500平方米,9层楼高。 目光敏锐的观众迅速地看到人性化标准的、透明的底座,以天然石材和玻璃为主要材料。建筑物的顶部是椭圆形的会议室,该会议室通过钢框架和顶棚被额外铰接和抬起。

The volume of 14.500m2, with its 9, rather high, levels, has a scale that participates in the definition of the skyline of Amsterdam’s Zuidas. The observant viewer also quickly recognizes the human scale in the outspoken transparent plinth. Crown to the building is the oval conference room which has been extra articulated and lifted by means of a steel frame and a canopy.


The most public functions are located on the lower floors. A café is placed at the south west corner, a 100 seat auditorium is located at the park side, giving visitors the possibility to step on the terrace, slightly elevated from the terrain. The building’s restaurant is placed on the first floor, in close communication with the terrace and the auditorium.


The middle part of the facade is made of curved curtain glass walls with vertical aluminium elements for shading which, depending on where one stands, show the building in always a slightly different way.


The upper levels, in which set backs are created, are reserved for external meeting areas and, on the top floor of the building, the oval partners meeting room.

从内部看,建筑围绕着一个三角形的8层高中庭, 这个中庭周围设有开放式办公空间和公共区域,提供了壮观的景色和透明度,象征着现今律师的工作方式。 天然石材,玻璃,木材和钢材是这个中庭的主要材料,其中钢结构是主要的、引人注目的元素。

From the inside, the building is organized around a triangular 8 floor high atrium. Open office spaces, as well as communal areas are organized around this atrium, providing spectacular views and transparency, symbolic for the way lawyers nowadays work. Natural stone, glass, wood and steel are the dominating materials for this atrium in which the steel structure is the main, eye-catching element.


The high-end interior is designed by Fokkema & Partners. An inviting signature was developed for the lobby, the auditorium, the coffee bar, the company restaurant, the library and the full-service meeting facilities. For the central atrium, special acoustic panels were designed. The pattern that was developed emphasizes and reflects the buildings impressive steel structure.

设计增加了空隙、楼梯,而且注重视觉上的开放感。 由于这一点,游客体验已成为穿过建筑物的一次旅程,其中中庭的景色是非凡的。 Stibbe总部获得了2018年WAN年夜奖的入选,并被列入年度最佳商业建筑的候选名单。

The addition of voids, stairs and design with attention to vistas attributed to the sense of openness. Due to this, the visitors experience has become a journey through the building in which the view of the central atrium, is phenomenal. Stibbe Headquarters got selected by the WAN Awards 2018 and is put on the shortlist for best Commercial building of the year.







建筑师:JCAU B.V.



照片:Frans Hanswijk





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